Sunday, July 14, 2013

History.... and Art!

We've been working on Story of the World history for 2 years now, with both kids working in different time periods.  I finally decided to back up "D" for a review of Ancient times along with "K".  We just finished Ancient times and even though we've been building our timeline books, we decided to do a visual timeline.  The leather bound history time lines each child has been making will be great keepsakes.  But there is just something about being able to be visually reminded of what took place and when by seeing it up on a wall all in one place.  It makes history more fun when you can see visually what was happening in say, India and China at the same time. Or to see who else was alive at the time Shakespeare lived.
Our wall art: History Timeline brings history to life!

The yellow tape represents Ancient times and the blue tape indicates where the Middle Ages begins.  We'll keep adding colors as we move along - and keep adding more historical information as we find it.

Daddy wasn't thrilled about the new wall decor, but it was fun making it and we're looking forward to adding to it as we learn more.

Art Show Prep
We've also been preparing for the homeschoolers art and talent show.  This will be our first time and K was hesitant to enter.  But she's really done some wonderful work in her art class - that talent gene must have skipped a generation (me) and gone right to her!  We're looking forward to the fellowship with other home schooling families, as well as seeing all of the art work the other home schoolers have done this year!

K's fawn in woods entry

K's water color and cutout drawing.
The weather was so warm last week, we had our lunches outside on the patio!


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