Sunday, July 14, 2013

Montessori Single-Digit Division Board

Using Montessori materials for math is our favorite past time.  In fact, just using the Checkerboard for multiplication (see my earlier post on that) to solve just one large-number problem, is the equivalent of the child performing a whole page of hand-written multiplication problems!  But a whole lot more engaging than a sheet of paper with 100 problems on it.  This is why we like to work with large numbers.  Large numbers are very appealing to most children.  They feel they've really accomplished something when they solve a problem such as: 3 X 63,575.

However, when starting out in division, I begin with the single board and single digits.  Although Kailyn hasn't committed all of her multiplication facts to memory (that will come with time) she does have a deep understanding of multiplication.  So it seemed we are ready for a new challenge.  Here is our first presentation on division using the Montessori Division Board.  From here, we can move to double digits and even very large numbers - up to the millions.  I'll post on that when we get there!

  1. Carry the material to a table or floor area and set up as shown below. We use a clipboard under her paper as she likes to work on the floor.

  2. I write out a problem such as this: 12 ÷ 3 =
  3.  Count out twelve beads into the green bowl.
  4. Place three skittles in the first three spots at the top of the board. Explain that each skittle represents one person.
  5. Using the beads from the green bowl, place one bead under each skittle in the first row.  Kailyn likes to pretend she's handing out bowls of ice cream to each "person."  "One for you, one for you, etc."
  6. Continue until all twelve beads have been placed on the board.
  7. Ask the child how many beads each person (skittle) has. Write the answer on the paper.
After her first presentaiton from me, I observed her solving a problem.  Now, she can select from a list of problems I've created and do the work on her own each day.  The next presentation I wil give her is on how to handle "remainders".  Then, we'll go to double digits and eventually larger numbers using the "Racks and Tubes".
 He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children.
Praise the LORD!
Psalms 113:9

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