Sunday, July 14, 2013

Wright On Time - Homeschooling in an RV

<Picture coming soon>

We happened upon these books last year and my son has read all four in the set and is anxiously awaiting the next four (soon to come this year at last check!)  We both loved them. And I thought,  “What a breath of fresh air!!” Thank you Lisa M. Cottrell-Bentley!

Wright on Time is a series of books written by a homeschooling family for homeschooling families. The Wright family consists of dad, mom, daughter Nadia – age 11, son Aiden – age 7, and we can’t forget Prince Pumpkin III, their 50 year old turtle. The family is doing exactly what many homeschooling families dream of – traveling around the country, state-by-state, in an RV.
Each book is set in a different state with a different fun and educational theme. It’s like taking your child on a wonderous road trip across the USA powered by the imagination! You can pick up any book in the series and enjoy it fully without having read others in the series. Of course, if you want to know the complete story of the Wright family’s adventures, you are going to want to read the other books! ~ from
The author began the adventure in their native southwest as the family journeys through Arizona, Utah, Wyoming and South Dakota. The next few stops are Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Tennessee.

We're so excited about the next set - the only hard part is waiting.  Particularly since the next set includes our old home- Minnesota!  What fun.

Even if you don't home school, your kids will likely love these books.

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